7 dangerous foods that are delicious and easy to find

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Every day we are exposed to many toxins. Whether in the air, smoke, exhaust fumes or even in the food we eat. It is also someone’s favorite menu!

Did you know? Currently, there are many dangerous foods that are not safe for the body and increase the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases or NCDs (Non-Communicable Diseases) such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood fat, abdominal obesity, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as various cancers. According to information from “Team Content” of the Health Promotion Foundation (ufabet http://ufabet999.app), many people’s favorite menus are classified as dangerous foods.

7 dangerous foods


It is considered a high-risk food because the time lost while waiting for the “meat” to be cook allows for a high level of “bacteria” to occur. This makes it necessary to use a “red chemical” to help get rid of the meat that is about to spoil, causing the red meat to turn green. In addition, all hamburgers contain “seasoning” (MSG = Monosodium Glutamate), which causes headaches and allergic reactions. “MSG” is a chemical that laboratories have used to help make animals fatter, and ultimately, it also makes consumers fatter.

Hot dog

The manufacturing process is similar to hamburgers and all “hot dogs” also add “nitrite” to help the meat stick together and help fill the sausage. “Nitrite” is a substance that causes “cancer” in the stomach, blood cancer, brain tumors and bladder cancer. In addition, the “tube bag” used to pack hot dogs is made of “synthetic collagen”. Which is a high carcinogen. It contains about 40% undisclosed fat. When grilled, it will release a “serious toxin” called “acrylimides”. Which is well known to be a carcinogen and “nerve destroyer”.

French fries

It is a highly toxic food because the high temperature frying process releases “acrylamide”. In addition, the “oil” used to fry potatoes each time is “oxidized”. Potatoes also have a very high “glycemic index”, which means that they are converted to sugar in the body very quickly.


What is very noticeable is the proportion of sugar, which is as high as 23 grams. Foods that contain a high amount of sugar like this will cause the skin to wrinkle and develop wrinkles faster.


It consists of 5 genetically modified foods, only 10% real butter, which should not be called real butter, flour that has been bleached to remove vitamins and minerals, but synthetic minerals have been added in the same amount of molecules as before, ketchup is made from tomato-like substances that create their own “pesticides” in your body  , genetically modified wheat flour, and cottonseed oil. Cotton is not considered a food plant. It has been sprayed with pesticides that farmers use on cotton seeds, which absorb the most toxins. The Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Public Health do not cooperate with each other to certify whether it is safe to consume or not. It does not help improve health, but it is “hydrogenated oil” and is very dangerous to health.

In addition, “pizza dough surface” that is baked at high temperatures may also contain “acrylamide”, while adding “pepperoni” or sausage toppings to pizza increases the risk of “nitrite”, preservatives and other chemicals, including saturated fat, which are added in factories.

soft drink

The main ingredient in “soft drinks” is “sulfuric acid” (Phosphoric acid), which is acidic enough to dissolve a nail in 4 days. The acid that accumulates in the body makes it difficult to lose weight. And “soda water”, another component of soft drinks, will leach calcium from the bones, causing “osteoporosis”. In addition, in 1 can of soft drinks, there are 12 teaspoons of “non-calorie sugar”. Soft drinks that help with weight loss or diet soda that use “artificial sweetener” to add sweetness will make the body crave more sugar because these synthetic sugars are much sweeter than normal sugar. While the “color” added to soft drinks is also a “carcinogen”.

Fried Chicken Pieces – Tender Boneless Meat

It is a menu made from discarded chicken parts. Eating one time will generally provide 340 calories of energy, 50% of which is fat. It contains a lot of bread flour, so it is high in carbohydrates. The seasoning “MSG” is added, which can cause headaches and allergic reactions. In addition, some “Nugget Chicken” contain “aluminum”, which is harmful to the brain and harmful to the body’s metabolism.